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Podcast - Folge 26
26. Folge

Collections, Connections, Contradictions – An Interview With Anouk Kruithof

Artist Anouk Kruithof talks about the importance of change in art and life, out-of-office messages sent from the jungle, non-hierarchical archives, and her approach to photography.
Kruithof‘s transmedial work crosses boundaries between technology and nature, the digital and the physical. Her recent video installation Universal Tongue in the collection of Museum Folkwang is a huge research based project about dance as a cultural phenomenon, brought together and edited in collaboration with an international and interdisciplinary team of ethnologists, film-makers and composers.

Moderation: Annika Schank, Gast: Anouk Kruithof
Aufnahme und Bearbeitung: Sarah Bockting
Jingle: Alexander Reuter